Here is Joy videogreeting for Munich!
June 7th: Tartu Festival ArenaJune 8th: Pärnu MoatJune 9th: Rapla Festival Arena Joy video greeting for Estonia!
In July three weekends in Estonia took place on festival called „Retro Summer“ Legendary popular Swedish band SECRET SERVICE was the first group who performed their greatest hits «Flash in the night», «Oh, Susie», «Ten O’Clock Postman» Evening opener was popular Estonian artist Regatt. Austrian trio JOY was the second Artist and they presented their greatest hits „Touch by Touch“…
On August 20, the anniversary of the restoration of Estonia’s independence, true heavy-metal legend Udo Dirkschneider gave a concert in Estonia. The concert was held under the name ‘Dirkschneider at Rakvere Laululava’, and the entire programme consisted of Accepti songs that Udo had promised to perform for the very last time. The concert rocked – so thank you, Udo Dirkschneider!…
The 80´s festival took place on November 26´th in Poznan, Poland. The festival´s foreign performes were: Joy, Savage, Limahl and Fancy. Artists have performed their greatest hits and audience cheered their idols! We were happy to represent JOY for that great festival! Joy continues touring in Poland! More info coming soon!
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Mauris placerat diam erat vulputate lectus, leo semper sapien urna nibh in, varius ligula leo tempor pharetra, deserunt sed amet dui amet consectetuer nulla, mollis ante ultrices libero. Diam nam eros curabitur accumsan et, sociis justo. Magnis ac nullam arcu, nec libero et risus, erat etiam pretium mauris diam. Nibh etiam scelerisque pulvinar suspendisse ut viverra. Viverra curabitur placerat omnis…
Images below are linked to their attachment page Maecenas et molestie nibh. Cras felis leo, tincidunt quis lorem eget, rutrum suscipit quam. Fusce dui mi, malesuada ut ornare non, rhoncus in ipsum. Pellentesque vehicula mauris sed lorem sollicitudin, vitae consequat nisl interdum. Duis lacinia felis vel enim iaculis, quis congue eros sodales. Proin sed eros sit amet orci laoreet vulputate.…